In DNA, which is located in the nucleus of the cell
Answer: The additional protection in the body of aerobic organisms are that they can fight with the ROS radicle formed in the body.
The aerobic organism use oxygen as a final electron acceptor. The aerobic organisms have enzymes in the body which helps in getting from the reactive oxygen species. These enzymes are superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase.
Anaerobes are vulnerable to these ROS which is produced by their own metabolism. They do not contain the enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and catalase that can help them to survive in these conditions.
Hence, because of antioxidants the aerobic organism can survive in oxygen and anaerobes cannot.
Many farmers in less densely populated area, such as Amazonia, practice slash and burn agriculture, also known as shifting cultivation or swidden agriculture where an area is cleared and then burned for the vegetative remains to release nutrients back into the soil. Shifting cultivation is a system where a farmer uses a piece of land, only to abandon or alter the initial use a short time later. Advantages of shifting cultivation includes; enhance control of pest and disease, inorganic matter addition which provide nutrient to crop, an effective way of weed control
The correct answer is - option b. to generate a protein with a run of consecutive glutamines.
The initiation code AUG is the code for methionine and as well as the initiation code for the particular protein or peptide chain. In this protein, there is a repeat of CAG is increased with the initiation code so, even though they are in zero reading frame they code for their amino acid which is glutamine.
So. an increased number of CAG repeats will result in a protein with the a run of consecutive glutamines.