I like that the film version tells the story better for Jim Valentine because in the film we can get a better idea of what the characters look like. The film version gives us something that we can’t experience in a book like emotions and facial expressions. For example, when the character is in a sad scene you can’t see how they react in a book but the film, you can see how they react. Also the picture of the setting we can hear how the music goes. With the play, the lighting will get darker and in the emotional scenes and get brighter and a happy scene. The scenes are best portrayed in the film. In the text, you can't hear their tone or you can’t see the setting or the characteristics of the character. In conclusion, the film version is better at telling the story of Jim Valentine because it gives us a better picture of the story.
i hope this helps i revised it a bit added puctuations comas and fixed run on sentences
She needed to defend her brotherhood but she didnt know how. Her society had many warriors and she was one so she was a symbol of pride for them. As the years passed her family symbol wasnt as nice as it was when her brothers were alive. She needed to make a decision. If she would move on with life without them or start a new life. She couldn't make up her mind. So her parents talked to her and she fainlly made her chocie.
Possible names for her
May, Emma ,Rose ,Kat
Humor is subjective, so for some people a statement like that could be considered as such. Going by that, if we are looking at this statement as a joke then it would be classified as humor with some racist undertones, but it really depends on the context. That aside, I would say it’s racist because it can be used to generalize Asians in a hurtful way.