Wind can be described by its direction and speed. Wind direction is described using the direction from which it is blowing. Westerly winds move from west to east, while easterly winds move from east to west. Wind speed can be described using measurements like miles per hour or levels on a scale called the Beaufort scale. The Beaufort scale divides wind speeds into categories and uses specific words for different strengths of wind. A “breeze” is a light wind, while a “gale” is stronger. On the Beaufort Scale, the strongest breeze is 31 miles per hour; any wind over 32 miles per hour is considered a gale.
B. Aerobic bottom water
D. High organic productivity in the overlying oxygen rich water
A Shale is a sedimentary rock usually formed from silt and clay-size mineral. There are different colors of Shale. The Black Shale is formed under anaerobic conditions. This means that oxygen is deficient in the water where the Shale forms.
A little amount of organic materials is required for the formation of Black Shale and because Black Shale is formed in an environment lacking oxygen, an oxygen-rich water would not be necessary for its growth. Sediments are necessary in the formation of Black Shale.
This would be called an outwash
Climate and weather
Natural hazard