Answer:What is Gothic? This question cannot be answered in a sentence. It is
an art, lifestyle and a certain sensibility. The word gothic can be defined in
three ways. Firstly ‘a building such as a cathedral that has a style of came.
In the poem 'The Call', by robert Service, the author used mainly an encouraging and positive tone.
Robert Service uses this tone to make clear what his feelings were towrds the event that he was called to War, and states the fact that war war an effort for him and that everyone could join in, including rich people or princes.
the latest fashion among teens is goth, vintage, alt, cottage
OK! 54+1
Hey Zach, I am sorry for your loss. You have my deepest condolences. My thoughts are with you at this time of loss. Im sure they were a great pet and we will deeply miss them and love them forever. I am wishing you comfort and peace during this difficult time. Losing such an important part of the family is never easy. I’m thinking about you. Don’t hesitate to call me if you’d like to talk.
Act One -- and the entirety of the play -- is set in Salem Village in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which was settled by Governor John Winthrop and around seven hundred Puritans in 1639.