"Do you know who won yesterday's college basketball game? I've been trying
the result all day."
I don't know about the rest of the question (Catherine Wells
Catherine Wells21
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sugar, textiles and clothing, furniture, chemicals, petroleum, metals, rubber, tourism
These three statements apply:
A) The Erie Canal increased the speed with which items could be moved from the Midwest, so more product was created
C) People moved to the West and took their invention ideas with them for use in the new territories
D) The invention of the steamship allowed for faster movement of product to market
The Erie Canal gave an incentive to produce more agricultural products, because now the could be shipped and delivered faster.
In the early 1800s, many people were moving West, both from other parts of America, and from Europe, and these people brought all sorts of techniques and knowledge with the,
Finally, the steamship allowed faster transportation of agricultural goods because now riverways and canals could be used in a faster and more effective manner.
B. Cuneiform, Sumerian
The cuineform writing style could be described as a wedge styled writing format which is usually produced by dipping stylus into soft clay in other produce the desired words to be written. It often represents a pictogram at the earliest as the Sumerian people of Mesopotamia have been credited with the invention and development of the cuineform writing system, which is one of the oldest writing styles as far back as 3000-3500 BCE according to history. The Cuineform writing system which is more aligned towards a pictorial representation rather was widely adopted at the time bybthe Mesopotamian masses before a shift towards the adoption of the alphabet format styled writing later.
Expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial schemes, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture.