Well I see it as an A for effort. But in in all fairness if you lost the game you shouldn't really be a sore loser because of it. In football games the people keeping score don't give the points the other team that lost because "they tried". I was on the cheerleading team and the other girls won nationals but I thought it was unfair because we all really tried our hardest and the thought we should get extra points. But I know that's totally ridiculous now.
The word harrow in this passage means that the writer could narrate a story so hunting that will agonize your soul. A story so twisted that even the lightest words will sound hunting to the reader. The word harrow up, in this case, can be a synonym of <u>torment.</u>
Answer: The quote given above is quite relevant to the events of the story. The beginning of the story proved that Tricki was lifeless because he did not struggle to digest his food. In the later part of the lesson, Dr Herriot authenticated that real strength comes only after struggle and hard work. He helped the dog to regain his strength by involving him in regular exercise and food regime. Food without exercise can lead to disease and discomfort for everyone
last option cause the sentence contains one independent clause and two dependent clauses.
A dependent clause is similar to an independent clause in that it has a subject and a verb, but it is not a complete thought. After a strenuous climb, and because night was rapidly approaching are dependent clauses because they cannot stand on their own. The hikers decided to make camp before reaching the summit is an independent clause because it can stand on its own out of context