Perseus said, "I would willingly risk my life to do so." to King Polydectes while he accepts the duty to repay the kindness offered to him by the King and the Fisherman.
This saying is from the chapter The <u>Gorgon’s Head</u> of <u>A Wonder Book.</u>
When Perseus and his mother Danaë were set afloat upon the sea, a fisherman helped them, who happened to be King Polydectes's brother. The fisherman is a kind-hearted man, an exact contrast to King Polydectes, who is cunning and wicked.
As Perseus grew into a strong young man, King Polydectes resolved to send him on a dangerous mission. As soon as such a mission was identified by the King he called for Perseus.
As stated in the book :
‘Perseus,’ said King Polydectes, smiling craftily upon him, ‘you are grown up a fine young man. You and your good mother have received a great deal of kindness from myself, as well as from my worthy brother the fisherman, and I suppose you would not be sorry to repay some of it.’
‘Please your Majesty,’ answered Perseus, ‘I would willingly risk my life to do so.’
Learn more about Perseus :
The vote will favor the political party that appointed the judges, especially if the party is still in power when the judicial decisions are made.
In some corrupt climes, we can see this play out heavily. Even in the US, some politicians expect justices to read their lips when delivering judgements. But this cannot be. It will be totally unfair to base judicial decisions on political affiliations and alliances. Justices are not appointed to represent the political party that appointed them. They are appointed to render fair justice using the prevailing laws of the land and on the equality of all persons.
In the novel The Hate U Give, Starr and Kenya both have an older brother named Seven. Starr and Kenya only know each other because of their older brother even though both girls have no relation to each other. This is because Seven’s father is Starr’s father, and Seven’s mother is Kenya’s mother which makes them both related to Seven but not directly to one another.
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