The answer all depends on your current living conditions and the amount of money you posses. IF you had a steady and secure job that paid a lot and you had a good house with constant food source then yes. IF you have a job that doesn't pay a lot then obviously no. Working only one or two days today would be hard, and I speak from a bit of experience as my parents work 6 jobs and we still struggle sometimes. So the answer is it depends on the type of job you have.
A noun is a word for a person, place, or thing. (It might be helpful to think of a noun as a "naming word.") There are different types of noun, but all nouns can be classified as either a proper noun or a common noun.
Once we've discussed proper nouns, we will cover common nouns and the nine types of common noun.
So fred applys for a easy job
Sandburg effectively uses a handful of figurative language types in “Chicago.
Make sure your content isn't boring.Appropriate interaction can attract their attention.Pay attention to the tone of your voice. Your voice should rise and fall, or they will fall asleep