It's a nonessential word, clause, or sentence added to an already grammatically complete sentence. It's most commonly set off by brackets, but it can also be set off by commas or dashes.
My mother went to the supermarket and picked up some strawberries (my favorite fruit) earlier today.
Yes, beacuse this indicates that even though the story is unimportant, it was important enough to <em>somebody </em>so much that they put it towards the front. I hope this is the answer you are looking for
Vas happenin!!
The princess got jealous of the lady because of her innermost beauty. The prince falls for the lady not the princess. At first the princess wanted revenge on the lady so her first choice was the tiger. The princess wanted to feed the tigers the lady. Then she started to feel grace for the lady and wants her to be set free. I feel like she will chose the tiger so she can have the prince to all to herself
Hope this helps
-Zayn Malik