When somebody writes the answer for your question and posts it on your question it will show a “(crown)mark as brainliest” in blue. click it and it’ll turn yellow and mark the person the brainliest for your question
The word youre looking for is turpentine, because you don't need to cut down the tree to collect or make it.
Databars and Sparkliness are key types of conditional formatting in excel.
Databars show the relative magnitude of values in a dataset. Sparkliness are tiny charts that reside in a cell in excel. These charts are used to show the trend over the time or variation in the dataset.
<span>When studying an information system, illustrations of actual documents should be collected using a process called sampling. Correct answer: D
</span>This process systematically selects representative elements of a population with the goal to get representative and useful information about the population as a whole and it is useful when <span>data sets that are too large to efficiently analyze in full.</span>
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