<span>During the late 19th century and early 20th century, many of the immigrants were from Ireland, Italy, Poland and Sweden. Some of these immigrants were dislocated Jews, and some had arrived even earlier from China. These people came to the United States with the goal of attaining a better and more prosperous life.</span>
The "New Immigration" to the United States in the late-nineteenth century refers to the increased numbers of people arriving from Southern Europe.
Answer: They had most of the worlds supply of trade. They also had crops and lots of harvest.
An important modern-day protest movement in 2021 is the new uprising in support of Black Lives Matter. This movement was founded nearly a decade ago but only in 2020 with the murder of George Floyd did the movement really pick up speed. Protests erupted throughout the country and more awareness was brought to this social injustice. Now, with many supporters, laws are being passed to help lower the amount of police brutality cases, and help African Americans feel more safe in the United States.
The main goal of Al Qaeda is to overthrow the corrupt “apostate” regimes in the Middle East and replace them with “true” Islamic governments, Al Qaeda's "primary" enemy is the United States, which it sees as the root cause of the Middle East's problems
Mass production of goods resulted in the use of mechanization to have an oversupply. Some labor work were replaced by machines, which created unemployment and change of needed skills for an upgrade. Common work can be done by machines while the craft was still handed down to skilled workers. There was a high demand for buying machines that can reproduce products faster.