Both authors of "In Flanders Fields" and "Dulce et Decorum Est!" chose the same historical event as the setting but these books shows the World War 1 from two absolutely different points of view. "In Flanders Fields" author praises and blesses all those warriors who protected their native land fighted for it and its future generations. While reading this story you feel persuasive tone that aimed to make you feel the same. "Dulce et Decorum Est!" shows the most appalling things that happened during the War and urges us that if we had ever been through It all it would have been the worst nightmare in our life. To conclude : in the first story author eulogizes War whereas the second warns against it.
This company is using a democratic style of leadership.
Democracy denotes a form of ruling and organizing political and social systems, in which power is formed through consensus and the equally distributed right to vote.
In this sense, a labor organization with hierarchies, but in which its members make decisions jointly, preparing comprehensive proposals and taking into account all opinions without distinction of superiority, is considered a democratic organization. In these democratic organizations there is an evident parallel with political democracy, given the plural participation in decision making.
After everything I'm happy with who I am today knowing everything I've done has brought me to this moment and same for you every action has brought you to flipping the page of my life story.
it's good
I didn't mean to post an answer