Um i don’t think that they would do that now in time but probably they used to. Girls get embarrassed by of boys doing does things ngl.
Dear(,< ___YES)Scott(,<__NO) Do you remember the first game we played last year? I enjoyed the game so much! You smack the ball to me. I remember that Ross (cried) out, “Catch that ball!” I race for the ball. I (tried), but I (dropped) it. We had a lot of fun. I miss those days. It’s too bad that I moved away. Your friend, Josh
Explanation: There are teo more mistakes in this if you figure them out i will tell you if you are correct :) Don't forget yah gotta learn
It became the seat of the presidency of Connaught under Elizabeth, and withstood a siege by the insurgents in 1641.
The tracks of the vehicle that preceded him were clear in the dust of the turnoff, and he knew he'd guessed correctly as he neared the now-familiar meadow below the mine.
their native country
each country has a different culture
क) श्यामू क्यों रो रहा था?
ख) बालकों के मुख से कौन-सा सत्य प्रकट हुआ?
ग) पतंग देखकर श्यामू के मन में कौन-सा विचार उपजा?
घ) इस कहानी का कौन-सा भाग आपको अच्छा लगा और क्यों?
ङ) इस कहानी के कहानीकार का नाम लिखिए।