1. deride: to put down or show contempt for a person
2. lambaste : to strongly criticize a person over decisions that have been made
3. scrounge : to beg or borrow things without being
able to pay them back
4. solvent : possessing enough cash to meet debts or expenses
1.The minoan civilization emerged
2.The Mycenaean civilization arose
3.The first city-states formed.
One major outcome of the Japanese military leadership's policies during the 1930's was the expansion of the Japanese Empire. The military policies led to modernizing the army, being provided with modern weaponry, and good training. That mad the Japanese army by far the most superior in the region. The Japanese knew that they can take down the other nations in the region with relative easy, and considering that they lacked natural resources, but the nations in the region had them, they decided to start and expansion. Little by little, the Japanese managed to conquer very large area in the coming years.
Sharecropping is a type of farming where a family rents a small plot of land from a landowner in return for a portion of their crop at the end of each year.