The practice of caloric restriction involves consuming a balanced diet but restricting your caloric intake by approximately 25% below the level of energy consumed in a freely chosen diet.
C I think, I mean it’s the only logical answer, hope this helps!
B - It hits an object
Once light has been produced, it will keep travelling in a straight line until it hits something else.
Answer: Option D
After load is the force the ventricles must overcome to eject blood into their respective arteries.
Afterload is the pressure or force the heart must overcome to release blood to the arteries during systole. It is proportional to the average arterial pressure. After load is also proportional to the mean systolic blood pressure measured in millimeters of mercury. It I'd a determinat of cardiac output and cardiac output is the product of stroke volume and heart rate.
1. Wind
When strong winds blow, the topsoil along with the organic matter is carried away by the wind. This happens more often when the land is not covered with grass or plants. Such conditions are very common in desert and semi-desert regions where strong winds blow very frequently.
2. Water
When it rains in the hilly areas, the soil gets washed away towards the plains. The running water deposits the mineral-rich soil in the riverbed and over the years this deposition of soil can change the course of the river. This can lead to floods which cause the destruction of life and property. Water erosion leads to loss of agriculture potential.
3. Overgrazing
When cattle are allowed to graze on the same field repeatedly, all the available grass, including the roots are eaten by them. This makes the topsoil vulnerable to wind and flowing water, leading to soil erosion.
4. Deforestation
Humans have taken land from the forest to cultivate in order to feed the ever-increasing population and to build houses, industries, etc. Cutting down of trees on a large scale for these purposes is deforestation. The roots of trees hold the soil together, thus preventing the soil from getting uprooted. When large areas of the forest are cleared, the topsoil gets eroded by wind and flowing water.
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