Independence from Spain, in the case of Central America, was primarily a reshuffling of power between Peninsulares (Spaniards born in Spain) and Criollos (Spaniards born in Latin America).
Yes, Turkmenistan is a developed country and here's why.
Official statements claim there is no crime in Turkmenistan, yet no country in this world is completely crime free. However Turkmenistan is a safe country to travel in, with very low incidents of violent crime and occurances of pickpocketing, mugging and property theft are rare.
The astenosphere plays a key role in the plate tectonics theory because it is the one that provides the high temperatures, high pressure, and magma, that are the ones responsible for cracking up the crust on the surface.
The astenosphere, with the ability to crack the crust on the surface of the planet is creating the continental and oceanic tectonic plates, and it also provides the push force from bellow so that they can move across the globe and thus be creating the landscape on the planet.
The best answer to the question: The greenhouse effect is driven by the fact that greenhouse gases are:___, would be: Good absorbers of radiation at all wavelengths.
Under normal circumstances, the Earth receives energy from the sun and also produces a bit of its own energy. The energy that arrives from the sun is usually known as shortwave radiation, while the energy that is both absorbed by the Earth´s atmosphere, and the energy produced by Earth itself, becomes part of what is known as the longwave radiation. Greenhouse gases, like water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane trap both longwave and shortwave radiation, which should usually be expelled to a certain extent towards space, and maintain them trapped inside the atmosphere. This bouncing effect between the shield created by the gases and the lower atmosphere, should normally be controlled by the amount of atoms of gases in the higher atmosphere. However, in the greenhouse effect, what is happening is that the amount of gases is too high, and therefore they are trapping most of the radiation, both longwave and shortwave, and keeping it in, allowing the climate to warm up.
Mariana Trench is the deepest point on Earth