Vultures can alert the authorities if they circle and attack the illegally hunted animals. They can also attack and steal their pray or destroy its valuables such as skin or similar.
External migration takes place for educational or economic reasons as well, but often, it is politically motivated. An international migrant is someone who moves to a different country. Simply, internal migration refers to the movement of people within a country.
Intrusi magma
Intrusi magma dapat memberikan manfaat bagi manusia sebab magma ini ketika keluar menuju permukaan bumi akan menjadi gunung berapi, yang bermanfaat karena menghasilkan tanah vulkanik yang subur. ... Lava dan abu vulkanik dari letusan akan terurai dan menghasilkan nutrisi yang penting bagi tanah
c)a high birth rate and many individuals in younger age group,
Because wealthy people were the ones who had control over most of the things and they were the ones who continued to run economics but the common people in Central America did not agree with that decision