he doesn't have dementia, he just didn't show that he cared
im pretty sure he ended up buying a new one lol
Scorpio not trusting ppl which is true
Machiavelli uses deductive reasoning by first introducing the conclusion that new rulers must be cruel and then supporting it with evidence.
While <em>inductive</em> <em>reasoning</em> provides the evidence for the sake of the conclusion, deductive reasoning jumps straight to the conclusion in order to later on supply us with the corresponding evidence.
In the chapter XVII of Machiavelli's <em>The Prince</em>, the author develops a premises on how a new ruler must be cruel. He gives us the conclusion leaving us in anticipation of the argumentation.
Deductive reasoning is a <em>very successful form of persuasion</em>. Once we are given the conclusion, we await for the arguments and interpret them in order to corroborate and affirm the first statement.
This way by using deductive reasoning, Machiavelli makes his readers his accomplices in proving his point.
During Han Wudi's rule, the curriculum of the education system in China was based on Confucianism. Mencius emphasized the Confucian virtue of zen and promoted a benevolent and humane government. The "sayings" of Confucius were collected by his disciples in a work called the analects. Confucian thought is moral, ethical and political. It penetrated all the aspect of the kingdom. The emphasis was more on the place of the human beings in nature and finding lifes purpose rather than accumulating power and wealth.