<span>Sociology is in deed different for every person, but it can follow some parallel lines. Where we grow up and under what circumstances can give a clue to our future behavior. But we must not rely on that. Factors we would never know or ask about can change some predicted behavior. Even a comment made to a ten year old child by a parent can propel that child in a direction completely unknown.</span>
An ethical dilemma is the practice of "gift-giving" between the parties to a business negotiation is considered right and proper behavior in many asian cultures while some westerners view this as a form of bribery.
Ethics and being ethical are set standards that each person has for themselves as what they view as appropriate in the work place or what they value and believe in. This is often a decision-making problem between moral decisions that neither often are acceptable. Businesses have business ethics and individuals and have ethics that they all believe are true principles to work/life by.
Unlike the other planets of the solar system, Uranus is tilted so far that it essentially orbits the sun on its side, with the axis of its spin nearly pointing at the star. This unusual orientation might be due to a collision with a planet-size body, or several small bodies, soon after it was formed.
They raided each other's settlements. When the English first arrived in America, the natives didn't like them settling on their land, and they saw them as a threat. So they attacked, killing settlers.
Eduloan is a leading education finance specialist operating in Southern Africa. Committed to making education both affordable and accessible to all individuals looking to further their education. ... The Eduloan vision is to improve people's lives through financial access to education.