Some movies I've seen that are set in Italy show a family outside all seated around a very large table. The joyous noise is overwhelming and the food is never ending.
People come out in spring and summer because there is a specialness in the air that's as aromatic as the food on the table. Celebrating each meal as though it was a feast (which it is in the hands of people like that), brings a rightness to everyone at the table, each as welcome as anyone else or they wouldn't be there.
So the reds or whites of the sauces, or the greens of the salads or the yellows of the cheeses, or the sparkling glasses holding the purest wine that can be afforded all blend in a dazzling mixture of blinding color the way an artist would put his colors onto his canvas.
Are there still protests about the Civil Right Movement? Did the law civil rights movement change? How did it end?
The house in "The Deserted House" is a metaphor for a dead body or dead person.
The poem opens with "life and thought have gone away" speaking of a person who has died and no longer has life or thoughts. It continues in Lines 1-3 describing the emptiness of the house, showing the stillness and emptiness of death.
In Line 4 "The house was builded of the earth, And shall fall again to ground." refers to a body being buried, similar to the common funeral phrase "from dust to dust"
Line 5 refers to the person in Heaven- "in a city glorious-- A great and distant city--have bought A mansion incorruptible." Incorruptible in this line means everlasting or unable to decay, showing that the person, (the "mansion") will stay there forever.
The poem ends with "Would they could have stayed with us!" in reference to the person who has died-wishing they had not "moved" to heaven and instead could have stayed alive.
In the final chapter, Jekyll's letter highlights one of the main themes of the novel, the dual nature of man. It is this concept that caused him to pursue his disastrous experiments that led to his downfall. Hyde, the personification of Jekyll's purely evil characteristics, revels in the freedom of an anonymous existence. Although he successfully distills his evil side, Jekyll still remains a combination of good and evil. Thus, when transforming back and forth, his evil side grows stronger and more powerful after years of repression, and is able to take over completely. In this way, Jekyll's experiments are the opposite of what he hoped. Interestingly, as is repeatedly mentioned throughout the novel, Hyde is a small man often called dwarfish, while Jekyll is a man of large stature. Thus, the reader is left to assume that Jekyll's evil side is much weaker and less developed than his good side. However, appearances can be deceiving. In fact, Hyde's strength far out powers Jekyll's.
In his letter, Jekyll clearly states that he felt no guilt about Hyde's actions, as "Henry Jekyll stood at times aghast before the acts of Edward Hyde, but the situation was apart from ordinary laws, and insidiously relaxed the grasp of conscience. It was Hyde, after all, and Hyde alone, that was guilty." To the reader, this explanation seems ridiculous, because Hyde is in fact part of Jekyll, and a being that Jekyll created. Therefore, clearly Jekyll is responsible for the man's actions.