"There are 40 horses and 50 cows on the farm. There are also 4 dogs that live in the house on the farm."
1. A mi me gusta usar las corbatas
2. A mi hermano le gusta practicar el futbol y el beisbol.
3. A mias tios siempre les gusta viajar por vacaciones
1. Descansa
2. Relájense
3. Tómela
4. Descríbalos
5. Mejorémosla.
6. Consúltale
7. Coman bien
8. Váyase.
The imperative mode is used to give orders, requests or wishes. The imperative has its own forms only in the second person of the plural and the singular (tú, ustedes) in the rest of the people we use the subjunctive mode.
<span>I take care of the passengers of the plane serving drinks and meals, I recommend the best attitude in Situations of risk</span>