I can’t quite see the diagram
Some art is intended to invoke the mood of the viewers and others are just for memorials of a person place or thing in that time.
Please tell me if I'm wrong, or if this is irrelevant.
If you need another answer.
Yeah, I agree.
The main idea behind the European movements such as Cubism, Surrealism, Impressionism and all of these cultural expressions is that they were trying to create another point of view about art. Until that moment, art was something related to beauty. But what kind of beauty? According to the philosopher Immanuel Kant, something beautiful is something that is universally accepted as it. So, the academic paintings were following this statement, and couldn't diverge from it. However, when the European vanguards begin to broke this established rule, they were trying to show that art is a personal thing. You bring something to the painting, and the painting left something in you. It is an exchange of feelings. The idea of beauty cannot be described by philosophical terms, that's what those painters were trying to say.
Nayeon from twice has a problem with saesang .
concontract negotiations
artistic technique
I don't really have an explanation, but as someone who does the other there this should be the answer, maybe computer coding? I code so...
Answer: The design of a work of art influences the content created within the piece and felt by the observer.