mpires (Ghana, Mali, and Songhai).
Brochure- needs to answer these questions-
1. Why should I travel to Songhai?
2. What did Songhai have to offer others?
3. What was life like there?
4. What was their major leader like?
Chart needs to compare all three empires in terms of trade.
1. What did they trade?
2. Did they trade with everyone or just specific groups of people?
3. What impact or change did trade have on their empire?
4. What role did trade play in their decline?
Your chart must also fill in the remaining blocks that are given to you about economy (use an outside credible source) and
No one word answers. No copy/paste from Google. Don’t procrastinate! You’ll want the extra time to work on this!
Needs to be set up like this..
I don't wanna do the brochure so just look at the chart