The correct answer is plants have two parts life cycle spending one part of their life in diploid phase and the other part in the haploid phase,human spending their lives in diploid phase and produces gamets that are haploid.
There are two stages in the life cycle of plant one is gametophyte stage which is haploid and the other is sporophyte stage that is diploid.
but in case of humans the overall life cycle proceed in diploid phase and produces gamets that are haploid.
In case of human male produces haploid gamet known as sperm and the female produces haploid gamet know as ovum. The sperm and ovum fuses to form diploid zygote,
Population size of elk increased while the population of aspen tree declined.
As per question, removal of wolves from the system would result in increased elk population due to absence of its predator (wolves). The increased elk population would extensively feed on shrubs and trees like aspen and cottonwood trees. This would cause decline in population size of these shrubs and trees.