The last verse has a tone of adrenaline and disharmony, unlike the other verses that present a tone of happiness and harmony.
In the first verses the poet presents a tone of harmony and joy, where the speaker of the poem describes a happy moment in his life, where he observes a swallow that gives him good ideas and feelings.
However, the last stage presents a struggle, which completely changes the tone of the poem, expressing a tone of disharmony, discomfort and adrenaline, because the pace of the poem becomes more frantic, as a fight should be.
Find below each word with its definition:
1. a verb form ending in -ing used as an adjective: participle
2. a verb form used as another part of speech: verbal
3. a verb form ending in -ing used as a noun: gerund
4. group of words without a subject or verb used as single part of speech: phrase
5. verb form preceded by to, used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb: infinitive
6. phrase beginning with a preposition: prepositional phrase
7. prepositional phrase modifying a noun or pronoun: adjective phrase
8. participle with complements and modifiers: participial phrase
9. verb ending in -ing used with a helping verb: verb phrase
10. prepositional phrase modifying a verb, adjective, or adverb: adverb phrase
11. A conjunction that joins words or groups of words of equal rank: coordinating conjunction
12. An adjective clause that is essential to the meaning of the sentence: restrictive clause
13. A verbal form ending in -ing with its object and modifiers used as a noun: gerund phrase
B) Antonyms, because sweet means “having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey; not salty, sour, or bitter.” while pungent means “having a sharply strong taste or smell.” So, they are antonyms.
Maybe it's because we hear it from others everywhere we go. We probably use it to sound cool or to build more words in a conversation.