Epistasis should be one of your choices.
Characteristics of Blank Verse Blank verse is a form of poetic prose. It has no fixed number of lines. It is written with a regular meter with unrhymed lines. It can be composed in any kind of meter, such as iamb, trochee, spondee, and dactyl.
Move the passive sentence's subject into the active sentence's direct object slot.
1. a possessive pronoun used as an adjective. - A. possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives are for example "my", "yours" or "theirs", they are used to indicate that something belongs to someone.
2. a class of pronouns that points out which thing, person, idea, etc. is referred to. - B. demonstrative pronoun
The demonstrative pronouns in English are: this and these for things that are near the speaker, and that and those, for things that are farther away from the speaker.
3. any word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun, occurring later in a sentence, refers - C. antecedent
An example of an antecedent in this phrase "Sarah arrived late because she could not find her car keys", is the word Sarah, which is the antecedent of "She".
4. a possessive personal pronoun that represents both the possessor and the thing possessed - D. absolute possessive pronouns
Absolute possessive pronouns in English are for example: "mine", "yours", and "hers".
Nick Carraway
Nick and Tom went to Yale together and that is where they know eachother from.