The Square Root of 245 is 15.65 (rounded to 2 dec. Places)
Unsure of what you are asking!
But if the issue here is how to define a line segment, write what you do know and then reconsider "undefined terms."
A line segment is a straight line that connects a given starting point and given ending point.
If you consider a circle of radius 3 units, the radius can be thought of as the line segment connecting the center of the circle to any point on the circumference of the circle.
If the center of a given circle is at C(0,0) and a point on the circumference is given by R(3sqrt(2),3sqrt(2)), then AC is the line segment joining these two points. This line segment has length 3 and is in the first quadrant, with coordinates x=3sqrt(2) and y=3sqrt(2) describing the end point of the segment.
<span>If you have a $460,000 loan at 6% interest for 25 years; payments should be $2,963.79, not $2962.40. At $2,963.79, $2,300 would be interest, $663.79 would be principal. After that first payment your balance would be $459,336.21.
Hope I helped!!</span>
Answer: 50.4537849152
Hope this helped!
The linked answer is wrong because that integral gives you the net displacement of the object, not the total distance.
To get the distance, you have to integrate the speed (as opposed to velocity), which involves integrating the absolute value of the velocity function.

By definition of absolute value,

Over this particular integration interval,
• sin(<em>t</em> ) ≥ 0 for 1 ≤ <em>t</em> < <em>π</em>, and
• sin(<em>t</em> ) < 0 for <em>π</em> < <em>t</em> ≤ 5
so you end up splitting the integral at <em>t</em> = <em>π</em> as

Now compute the distance:

making B the correct answer.