<span>The correct answer is the nucleus and the cell wall. Cell walls and Nucleus are only found in specific cells. Prokaryotic cells are cells that do not have definite nucleus in their cells, while Animal Cells do not have cell walls, yet the Plant Cells have cell walls.</span>
Plant cells have a cell wall, as well as a cell membrane.
In plants, the cell wall surrounds a cell membrane. This gives the plant cell its unique or rectangular shape. animal cells simply have a cell membrane, but no cell wall.
Oh gosh, thank you! (I feel like this'll get deleted, so here are the answers: Tony Stark became Iron man when he was in like this military place? I don't know the exact details, but when people were trying to fight him he made a suit to fight back. The suit was surprisingly powerful, so he re-made it to be more appealing, light-weight, and stronger.
All he has to do is change into his suit. He doesn't actually have any superpowers, unless you consider being really smart a super power)
Normal colour vision (trichromacy) refers to vision that uses all three types of light cones. People with defected trichromatic vision will be colour blind to some extent and these conditions are called anomalous trichromacy. Three types anomalous trichromacy ( one type of cone perceives light slightly) :
1. Protanomaly – phenotype: reduced sensitivity to red light
2. Deuteranomaly - phenotype: reduced sensitivity to green light
3. Tritanomaly – phenotype: reduced sensitivity to blue
People can also have color blindess as the result of mutation, when loss of function of one cone occurs. This condition is called dichromacy. If there is complete color blindness or monochromacy, the person can’t distinguish any color from grey.
Color blindness is an inherited genetic disorder resulted from mutations on the X chromosome.