I believe this sort of question has no wrong answers, it's really a matter of personal preference.
In the question, there is a statement that says <em>"Choose the statement that most closely matches your opinion of traditional language rules.". </em>If you'd like my opinion, I believe the last option would work best, perhaps.
Alliteration is the answer
Because he wanted to show how the worldview is different for different generations.
In "Times Have Changed," we can see how different perspectives, thoughts, and even grandson and grandson perspectives are different, even if they are looking at the same things and the same elements. The author does this to show that there are no right or wrong opinions between these two characters, but different opinions due to the generations they belong to. In summary, the author states that different generations think and see the world in different ways because they were lived in different ways, which makes them have constructions of thoughts that are completely different from each other.
The character of Editha is a foil, developed to portray the fickleness of the arguments that support war.
The author ironically reveals how Editha repeats the passages from newspapers and magazines supporting the need to go to war. But the author takes a step further to give us a view of Editha’s perception when she says, "But now it doesn't matter about the how or why. Since the war has come, all that is gone. There are no two sides any more. There is nothing now but our country."
Finally, toward the end of the story, Mrs. Gearson sarcastically says, "No, you didn't expect him to get killed," a commentary by the author to show the ignorance of people who idealize war.