The correct option is;
Water absorbing energy in large amounts to increase energy by a degree of temperature
The growth of trees to towering heights has to do with the formation of plant cell walls which are built by the aggregation Glucose molecules to form Cellulose molecules. The cellulose molecules further combines to form microfibrils by forming hydrogen bonding. The microfibrils that combine to make cell walls
Therefore, the growth of a tree is dependent on the formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules to enable uptake of water into the plants which enable photosynthetic reaction that result in the formation of glucose
The transpiration, which is the conversion of water into vapor or gas at the leaves facilitates the uptake of more water for the formation of more glucose molecules and creation of hydrogen bonds
The hydrogen bonds between chlorophyll molecules is facilitated by forming hydrogen bond with water molecules.
I am going to answer the questions in one brief summary of fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels are non-renewable, meaning one day they will run out.
Fossil fuels are reliable, meaning rain or shine we can use them.
Fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases, causing our world to warm up.
The correct answer is - a front.
On this image, the lines are representing a front, and since the signs are marked with blue color, it means that it is a cold front. The fronts are advancing masses of air. In this case, we have a cold front, thus we have advancing cold air masses in the western part of the US, and in the Great Lakes region and the northeastern part of the country. This means that these areas will be affected by colder air masses, that will bring in higher air pressure, colder weather, and cold winds from the direction from which these cold fronts are coming.
In this case the answer is fuel
False. They form a V formation so that it will lower their heart rate and make it easier to go longer distances. And when they are in a V formation, it results in wind resistance.