Administered by the East India Company functioning as a sovereign power on behalf of the British Crown and regulated by the British Parliament. Governor-General.
They sought to select who would take the throne after them and who would be given administrative positions. The Company occasionally coerced the nations into forming a "subsidiary alliance". The conditions of this alliance prohibited the rulers of India from having their own independent armed forces.
The contemporary multinational has its roots in the English East India Company. Its global commerce network imported Asian luxuries including teas, silk, and spices. However, it also used opium to open up China's marketplaces and its private army to conquer most of India. They had a stranglehold on India's sizable market and cotton resources thanks to British economic policy. India functioned as a sizable captive market for British-produced products as well as a substantial source of raw materials for British industries.
Equal protection under the law: In all the Indian regions they directly controlled, the British enacted standardized laws. As a result, they helped lessen caste inequality in Indian society by denying upper caste members conventional social benefits.
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Challenges of living in Hoovervilles - The woman has no running water. The woman has to complete chores like washing and cooking without having access to a kitchen.
Hoovervilles were not pleasant places. The shacks were small, poorly constructed, and lacked bathrooms. They weren't very warm in the winter and didn't always keep the rain out. The towns' sanitary conditions were deplorable, and many residents lacked access to safe drinking water. A "Hooverville" was a slum areas town built by the poors in the USA during the Great Depression. They have all been named after Herbert Hoover, the President of the United States at the time of the Great Depression and widely blamed for its onset. Charles Michelson coined the phrase.
Learn more on Hoovervilles -
In 1914, Gandhi returned to India and lived a life of abstinence and spirituality on the periphery of Indian politics. He supported Britain in the First World War but in 1919 launched a new satyagraha in protest of Britain’s mandatory military draft of Indians. Hundreds of thousands answered his call to protest, and by 1920 he was leader of the Indian movement for independence. Always nonviolent, he asserted the unity of all people under one God and preached Christian and Muslim ethics along with his Hindu teachings. The British authorities jailed him several times, but his following was so great that he was always released.
i wont make a paragraph, cuz im not good at that. but i will give you give you these.
1.vincent aan goh dcreated about 2100 pieces of artwork.
2.his mos famous peice of artwor was starry night
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1.Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.
2.For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.
3.If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere.