When Patricia checks her email use:
When Patricia brows a website and log in to post a comment use:
Email protocol
Patricia starts to check her email, the email application uses the protocol POP3.
The protocol TCP makes a connection with the server and transport the data.
Patricia receives her emails with the protocol IP on her computer.
Website protocol
Patricia started to surf and the protocol HTTP makes a connection with the internet.
The protocol TCP makes a connection with the server and transport the data.
With the protocol IP, she receives the website data.
With the protocol LDAP, Patricia makes a login to post the comment.
Print is the type of server that spools documents and puts
them in a queue. Whenever you are printing multiple documents, it is the
standard operation of the printer to prioritize those documents that came first
and add to the queue the other documents waiting for printing.
Never heard of that kind of software, but I think it's an old file.
Here, you go drawn , in paint. Please note that you can simplify further more the circuit by removing any two not following each other.