Explanation: If and else statements are one of the most important parts of programming.
1. You add an if you do something if a condition is met. For example, if number of chocolates equals zero( a condition), and inside you can do something like buy more chocolates. And else statement happens if the if condition isn't met and you want to the code to do something else. You don't need this if you don't want anything to happen if the if condition isn't true.
2. This might be used in a number guessing game. Let's say you have to guess a number, if its correct the computer should correct but if you get it wrong it should display wrong. You can write if the number the user writes in equal to the number you are supposed to guess say correct. Else say wrong
Hope this helps. Please mark as brainliest! Thanks!
Data Backup and Recovery is the procedure that protects against the loss of data. It is to protect the crucial data against losing in events like physical disaster, database corruption, hardware failures, and other incident that can cause the data to lose.
I recommend Google Drive, it allows up to 15gb of free storage. You can access it anywhere since it is fromGoogle. Another one you can try is Dropbox which only allows up to 2gb.
months_info = ['January', 'February','March','April', 'May','June', 'July','August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
date = input('Enter a date using the mm/dd/yyyy format ')
m, d, y = date.split('/')
m = int(m) - 1
name_of_month = months_info[m]
print('{} {}, {}'.format(name_of_month, d, y))
- Create a list of all months and store them in the months_info variable.
- Get the date as an input from user and then split the date.
- Finally display the date by following the specific layout using the built-in format method.
This can be a tricky question because this could be true or false depending how the Web Server is setup. For instance, with the Apache web server you do not need an index.html file as long as you have a index.htm file or an index.php file. So the answer could be false if you have one of the other files. Anyways, I think they mean an index file in general so the answer is true.