Answer: The 5 different layers in the IP stack are as follows:
1. Physical Layer
2. Data Link Layer
3. Network Layer
4. Transport Layer
5. Application Layer
The functions of the different layers are:
The physical layer is concerned with transfer of bits across the different nodes, The data link layer is concerned with transmission of frames with error detection and correction. The network layer is concerned with routing the packets across various nodes in the router. The transport layer deal with the implementation of protocols such as TCP and UDP. The Application layer host a numerous software applications such as HTTP, SMTP for client server connections.
Since at present number user or nodes in an organization counts is 100 and it can be further extended. Moreover concurrent at presented is 25 nodes is active.
So as best practice network administrator has keep in mind and select hardware application.
1. Server with high end rams and further extendable.
2. Minimum life of hardware such as routers, switch or managed or firewall should be considered or two years. But to technology improvement it is possible for 1 year only
3. Upgradable hardware appliances and software updates should be possible with mini cost effect.
4. Network security and update or upgradable workstation or desktop or laptop to be consideration.
5. Functional operation of an organization should run smoothly.
Phishing and Social Media
A quick web search can give you this information. Terrorist organizations have used social media to socially engineer innocent people into joining their organizations and more. Phishing is also an attack that's used to obtain critical information such as hashes or plaintext credentials to get into people's accounts. This is a tactic that's also been used by terrorist organizations in the past.
RFID scanning or Barcode reader
Smart refrigerators have inbuilt RFID scanning technology that help monitor the stock that is inside your fridge. Once you pass your items through the inbuilt RFID scanner in the fridge, the barcode of your items is cross-referenced with a database and given a unique tag for identification. This technology helps detect and track the stock that is inside your fridge and when you start running low, the RFID can be triggered to send a reminder as a notification on your email or a text message.
24 to 32
Satellite programmers broadcast, signals to the satellite which they own or lease the channel space from. Uplinked signals sent by the programmers are received by the transponder located on satellite. It is a device which receives signals and transmits them back to Earth after converting the signals to frequency which could be received by the ground-based antenna. <u>There are typically 24 to 32 transponders on a satellite. </u>