A watched pot never boils is a proverb. ... We will examine the meaning of the proverb a watched pot never boils, where it came from and some examples of its use in sentences. A watched pot never boils means that time seems to move more slowly when one is anticipating something or waiting for something to occur. I hope this helps <3
The poem 's speaker means : She meant that her life was not perfect. She had to overcome many obstacles.
I think that through lines 1-7 the speaker, the details that bext explain her is " Life ain't been no crystal stair" Mainly because she sums up her whole experiences and how bad and rough her life has been through that one sentence, and we can empathize with her. But, she explains a bity more through lines 3-7
the answer is
no it was canceled by the 1943 magnuson act, during the time when China had joined with U.S. against Japan in World War II as the US needed to embody an image of fairness and justice.
from where do you want me to circle the answers ?