In the novel "The Outsiders" foreshadowing is used to make the reader think about what will happen next. For example, before the event of Johnny killing Bob takes place, Ponyboy states that Johnny would kill the next person that decided to jump him. Another example of this is before Dally's death. This is foreshadowed by Ponyboy's use of past-tense words when referring to Dally. He used phrases like "Used to". By noticing this, the reader starts to wonder what happened to Dallas Winston. The burning of the church is foreshadowed when Ponyboy tells Johnny to put his cigarette out, as he might start a fire. This word usage makes the reader wonder if the church will burn down in a future chapter. The foreshadowing of Johnny's death takes place when the nurse tells Twobit and Ponyboy that it's ok to go in and see Johnny because "It couldn't hurt". The Outsiders uses foreshadowing to add suspense and make the reader think harding, adding to the excitement the reader experiences while finishing the book.
A for 7 I don’t know the other one sorry
There is a written record that somebody named “Ahlers” knew about Frank's hiding spot and how they had gone into hiding. Ahlers reportedly told his older brother, Cas, that he had betrayed the Franks during the war.
The basis of this argument is that verbs are conjugated only in the present and past tense. If we want to refer to the future, we have to use the auxiliary verb will, or the be going to phrase followed by the verb in present or past, or the present tense. Since in English, there is no change in the conjugation of the verbs for the future, some linguistics claim that there are two tenses (past and present) while others claim that there are three because we form the future tense with the addition of the auxiliary or use present simple or continuous.
Linguistics such as Quicker Al claims that there are two tenses, present, and past since they are expressed by inflections in their verbs, while future does not have inflections. There is no future tense, but there is future time. Time is related to our perception of reality, making the future subjective. On the other side, tense expresses when an action happens, taking into account the moment that the person is speaking. Linguistics such as Hatav or Klein claims three tenses' existence, past, present, and future. They state that we can refer to the future with the addition of the auxiliary verb will, or the phrase be going to, or the use of present simple, or continuous even though there is no specific inflection in the verb, as it happens in other languages like Portuguese or Spanish. They identify the future with the definition of tense.