Well we live really far so
Calculation to determine X
First step is to calculate the 6 months Yield
6 month Yield=(40/40+20) (80/40+20) (157.60/80+80)+1)
6 month Yield=(40/60) (80/60) (157.60/160)-1
6 month Yield=5%
Second step is to calculate the Annual equivalent
Annual equivalent=(1.05)^2-1
Annual equivalent=10.25%
Third step is to calculate the 1 year yield
1 year yield=(40/50) (80/40+20) (175/80+80) (x/175+75)
1 year yield=(40/50) (80/60) (175/160) (x/250)-1
1 year yield=0.1025
Now Let calculate X
Therefore X is 236.25
1. Intensive Distribution
2. Selective Distribution
3. Intensive Distribution
4. Exclusive Distribution
5. Selective Distribution
6. Exclusive Distribution
Intensive Distribution is the one in which the product is available almost everywhere. That the product is easily available and the company ensures that it has a wide range of consumers.
Selective Distribution is the one in which the product is available only at some identified places, as for example the 5. point the apple phones are available usually at apple stores or some other specified mobile sellers, thus it is easily available yet at some limited shops only.
Exclusive Distribution is the one in which the product is available only at some exclusive shops, as in the 4th point and 6th point the luxury brand is not easily available and rather at only a few outlets of the company.
Equilibrium is the point where supply meets demand. Look at the table and see where those two columns are the same.
For B. look at the chart and see at 1,50 rent (the first column) the demand is greater than supply or not. If demand is less than supply, there is a surplus. If demand is higher, there is a shortage.
This applies to question C as well. Look at the first column, find the rent, and see if there is more supply or more demand.