Air pollution is the presence in or introduction into the air of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects.
Ill health is : a condition of inferior health in which some disease or impairment of function is present but is usually not as serious in terms of curtailing activity as an illness elderly parents who are in ill–health and need their financial and personal help
Алгоритм (это вам поможет )
1) узнать кто такие
2) изучить краткую биографию
3) окунуться в мир творчества ( Калашеикова и Кирибеевича )
4) выписать главное из краткой биографии и прочитать полную биографию
5) дописать список из полной
6) разделить лист на две части и вписать в них информацию
родился. | там то
исполнял. | то то
ну вообщем в этом роде
At the beginning of the story, Greg is upset with his father because he won't let him play basketball because of his grades. By the end of the story, Greg attitude has changed and he isn't upset any more. The story says that Greg thought of the lecture he knew his father would give him, and smiled.