because farmers grow crops seasonally and in some parts of the country the ground is frozen during the winter making things impossible for farmers its actually really simple
Antarctic ice sheet is the largest mass of ice on earth
1. The people in wagons/horseback with regular clothing are the groups moving west. With them, they bring death/destruction.
2. They may be moving west for better job opportunities, freedom, or to explore.
3. The Native Americans and animals like bears/buffalo were already in the West. They are forced to flee, fight for their land, or even die.
4. The figure in the center of the painting is Lady Liberty. She may represent America as a whole + the way they brought their ideals, hopes, and technology to the West along with them.
5. John Gast likely did not believe that US expansion in the 1800s was justifiable b/c in this painting of his, he portrays some of the negative effects that American expansion had on several groups in the West. There is a pile of animal bones symbolizing death, and other animals, as well as Native Indians, can be seen running away from the people moving west, showing how American expansion caused many to leave their homes.
2. Muslims are not terrorists because Islam is a peaceful religion that does not condemn violence. Though there are a few terrorists that identify themselves as Muslim they are not following the religious book of Islam “the koran”. There are about 1.9 billion Muslims in the world and the majority are not terrorists. 4. Muslims religion is Islam. 5. Women are not valued equally with men in Islam society in most Muslim country’s such as Afghanistan women are not allowed in school they are told to cook and clean they wear scarfs because it is traditional form it’s worn as privacy to stop men to not to stare at women