The bill can be voted on quickly, veto/reject, limit the debate, or limit or prohibit amendments.
Answer: The Western United States is the region comprising the westernmost states of the United States
The Western U.S. is the largest region of the country, covering more than half the land
It would degrade the role of wife and mother--The Equal Rights Amendment would secure women's place in the economy and therefore out of the home.
Phyllis Schlafly believed the ERA would encourage women to enter the workforce instead of take care of their home and children. That role was the most important for women and they had the natural ability to do that job. The ERA would tear apart families and encourage immoral behavior among women. It would also force women to sign up for the draft which Schlafly and many women believed was an improper place for women.
The u.s new an attack was coming but they didn't know when, as a result they were unprepared and lost a lot of their stuff
I love lucy and the lone ranger and the red skelton show. (I watch I Love Lucy all the time. Amazing and funny show!)