Police protection, education, highway building and maintenance, welfare programs, and hospital and health care.
Economic prosperity in the 1950s and 60s meant that the newer generation could easily have settled lives and more wealth.
The post war generation grew up in an increasingly prosperous environment with a booming economy and willingness to settle with immovable property as they had quite a lot of wealth to spare.
More and more families began to have more free time and the rise of entertainment industry followed.
This was also followed by a high level of consumerism as the people had more money to spare so they started buying things from the money including stuff for their immovable assets.
Even thought there is no work in italics like there should be I can tell that expand is the work that you were talking about, and enlarge is a synonom of expand.
Gerrymandering is the practice of one party packing as many voters of the other party into the fewest districts possible.
It is called a Reliquary.
Reliquary is used to refer to a container for holy relics. Saint Foy or Saint Faith was a young woman who was arrested during persecution of Christians; her legend says she refused to make pagan sacrifices even under torture by the Roman Empire. Her reliquary is very precious, a 33-½ inch wooden statue covered in gold and gemstones which keeps her skull.