Global citizens must be aware of the world. They must respect diversity in order to further respect the global workings in economy, society, politics, cultures, technology and the environment. They must protest unlawful acts of injustice and contribute to the world.
Replaceable incandescent bulbs
Incandescent bulbs have been used for over a century now. It comprises of the presence of a filament in an enclosed glass. When the filaments are being heated, light is produced.
These types of bulbs work effectively on dimmers, timers and other control systems. When there is the need for portable lighting as headlamps and flashlights, they can be effectively used.
Leaders, quite rightly, are the heroes of the corporate epic (a few leader-villains notwithstanding). They motivate us to go places that we would never otherwise go. They are needed both to change organizations and to produce results. In any business climate, good leadership is perhaps the most important competitive advantage a company can have. It’s hardly surprising, therefore, that management scholars focus relentlessly on the attributes of successful leadership.
Answer: Trait Theories: Trait as its name implies denotes Individual personal characteristics, which makes it evident that qualities/characteristics of leaders are far different from those that aren't leaders.
Behaviour Theories: Every leader has his/her own behavioural trait, on this wise,
the behaviors of effective leaders can't be compared in any way to that of ineffective leaders. Leader's behaviour is majorly classified intinto two classes -- task-oriented behavior and relationship-oriented behaviour.
Contigency theories: This focuses on how effective and unique a specific leader is to each situation I. e to determine whether specific leader characteristics and behaviors will be effective