the pope is dressed in magnificent clothing
The conductor is in charge
Chairs came into existence in various forms with addition to back support, sacral support and footstool to a normal stool.
The chairs which we use today to sit on and be comfortable were not the types how they emerged. The emergence of the chairs were in the form of stools in the first form. But then chair of different forms and sorts came into existence to increase the comfort of the human beings.
To the stools, the addition of back was done, then the sacral support was done to the chair. After some time the foot stool was also added to the chair to increase the support.
The mathematician, philosopher, scientist Pythagoras believed that the study of music and mathematics enabled a person to understand and see the structures of nature.
Pythagoras studied the relationship between music intervals. Correct answer: C
Pythagoras said "that the chief musical intervals are expressible in simple mathematical ratios between the first four integers".