Answer: Greed of money, desires, Higher levels of market and political monopolization, Low levels of democracy, weak civil participation and low political transparency, Higher levels of bureaucracy, inefficient administrative structures, Low press freedom., and Low economic freedom.
I wouldn't consider pancakes to be my favorite breakfast food. The reasoning for this is that to me they are very dry no matter how they are made. You have to cover then in lots of butter or peanut butter and syrup just to get them most and to a delicious flavor. You have to chug milk after every bite as well because of how dry they are. My favorite breakfast meal is eggs, bacon/sausage, and toast. It is a good variety and all three-four foods have a magnificent flavor. My favorite meal of the day would either be breakfast or supper. Eating good food in the morning provides me lots of energy to go throughout the day but a delicious supper makes me feel full and ready to get the rest of the day done so i can go to bed.
Persuasive and argumentative essays take a position on an issue and attempt to convince their readers to accept an argument. In other words, the major difference between expository and argumentative essays is that argumentative essays try to convince, while expository essays attempt to inform and/or explain.
A) He painted Starry Night.
a) present continuous tense
b) simple present tense
c) simple past tense
d) future perfect tense