In python:
age = float(input("How old are you? "))
weight = float(input("How much do you weigh? "))
heart_rate = float(input("What's your heart rate? "))
time = float(input("What's the time? "))
print("The calories burned for men is {}, and the calories burned for women is {}.".format(
((age * 0.2017) - (weight * 0.09036) + (heart_rate * 0.6309) - 55.0969) * (time / 4.184),
((age * 0.074) - (weight * 0.05741) + (heart_rate * 0.4472) - 20.4022) * (time / 4.184)))
This is the program.
When you enter 49 155 148 60, the output is:
The calories burned for men is 489.77724665391963, and the calories burned for women is 580.939531548757.
Round to whatever you desire.
Hello! Your answer is....
Secondary data is easier and less time consuming to fine.
I hope this helps, you are very pretty and have an awesome day!
Below is the required code:
Python Code
import os
import bin
dir = input("Please specify the location to the directory")
list = os.walk(dir)
a = length(list[1])
b = length(list[2])
print "Files: %n , Sub-dirs : %n" % (b,a)
decision = _(" Do you want to continue? (y/n) "))
else :