A. The pen is mightier than the sword.
A figurative language also known as figures of speech can be defined as a deliberate and specific construction or use of language by authors, writers or speakers to create a special effect in their speech or write-up.
The main purpose of a figurative language is to convey more information and enable the readers or listeners have a deeper understanding of the piece.
Some examples of figurative language used in a literary work are simile, paradox, metaphor, apostrophe, hyperbole, personification, metonymy, etc.
Metonymy was derived from the Greek word "metōnymía" which simply means change of name. It can be defined as a figurative language in which an object, thing, concept, or idea is referred to by the name of another that is closely related or associated with it. Thus, it involves substituting an object, thing, concept, or idea with a linked term having a close association.
A common example of metonymy is the pen is mightier than the sword.
Words they say can make or mar you. This in essence packs in a lot and tells us so much about the power in the words we so often speak carelessly without having a preconceived thought of the after effect of that word on us the speaker, the recepient or the people around at the time. Such is the power of the word we speak or issue through writing. Words are so delicate to the extent that a particular thought may need to be passed using some carefully selected words based on the context and environment even when the use of synonymous words would have meant the same. The power of words gives a clear reason why public figures. Political office holders, media personalities always make it a big deal when they communicate, they do so with so much preparation giving great cognizance to waht they are about to spew with their tongue as they know how delicate and powerful spoken words are ; once spewed, it cannot be retracted, it stays in the history books even after those who heard it are no more. Consequently, the making of so many figures can also be attributed to their speaking ability, their carefulness, thoughtfulness and vibrancy with words. Hence, words are capable or making and also bring about down fall.
The poem is really creative I like it
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