The earliest notated European music was Gregorian Chant. This was a monophonic form of music with all folks contributing their vocal music in 'one voice'. The oldest evidence of this notation comes from around the year 850 and was called the Musica Disciplina of Aurelian of Reome.
Impressionistic landscapes photographs are photos that are intentionally less realistic of a large area in order to make it look cool. You can take a impressionistic landscape photo by using a shallow depth of field. Abstract landscape photography.
There are many techniques that people make to become morespiritually enlightened. Some of these are meditation, prayer,chanting, yoga, martial arts, fasting, dancing and psychedelics.
I say just Xavier but it kind of depends was he listening to music too loud or is it a genetic thing because if it is not a genetic thing then it would just be Xavier or whoever was in the car with him listening with the radio all the way turned up