A. taxonomy
A taxonomy can be used to hierarchically represent a classification for a given set of objects or documents.
Python is the current language of choice in schools because it helps people build good coding techniques very quickly, and it has a robust range of uses. Code presentation is also an increasingly important distinction between the two languages. In the past, developers used code largely to create applications.
Python is related to flowcharts. because You write a program by setting up a flowchart. When you run the flowchart the software compiles to python byte-code so that you can easily import modules you write in Flowchart Python into standard Python programs.
sorry if i'm wrong
Answer: (C) Ransomware
The ransomware is one of the type of malware software design which is used for blocking the user accessing unauthorized and also without paying money.
The most of the ransomware software encrypt the computer accessing and the files as they demand for the payment dues for again restoring the access.
It also encrypt the user account and the information until the correct decrypt key are get entered into the system. So, according to the given situation, the ransomware attack are experienced in an organization.
Therefore, Option (C) is correct.