Botánica medicinal
En botánica médica, partes de plantas o árboles como hojas, raíces, cortezas, semillas, frutos, etc. son esenciales para obtener beneficios medicinales debido a la presencia de ingredientes activos. Las raíces se utilizan principalmente para fabricar medicamentos en función de sus componentes y también de la estructura de la raíz, es decir, sólida (ginseng), carnosa (garra del diablo) o fibrosa (ortiga).
Well there's is frozen sea weed and there is plankton and hair grass
There are 8 known planets within the solar system that orbits the sun with other planetary matter.
Inner planets are also known as the terrestrial planets. They are rocky balls of mass found very close to the sun.
These planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
The outer planets are the extraterrestrial planets. They are gas giants and are full of gaseous matter. They have huge volume compared to the inner planets.
These planets are: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
Answer: The major problem in Mumbai is the growth of squatter settlements known in India as SLUMS. These slums come with many issues for people including the lack of planned access to clean water and sanitation systems, poor health, lack of education, unemployment and the prospect of crime.
Challenging Conditions in the slums:
1. Lack of sanitation is the major issue.
2. Lack of access to clean water.
3. Lack of legal rights.
4. Poor Health.
5. Unemployment and Poor Quality Work.