Well, thats a difficult question, because are you specific to just humans or animals? Plus the right answer is based on what you believe. Like if you believe God created everything, then animals were the first to speak, and then humans, well it did not specify in the Bible what they spoke. If you believe in evolution, animals were also the first to speak in their own language, probably through noises and body language
For close family and friends, you can with your first name or a nickname.
Bulimia Nervosa/ Binge-purging syndrome is usually characterized by binge eating followed by guilt people with this disorder typically consume about 1000-10,000 calories in one sitting. Hope this helps =)
Hope it helps :)
Islands are not floating at all. They are actually mountains or volcanos that are mostly underwater. Their bases are connected to the sea floor. If an island does disappear under the ocean, it's because the land underneath has moved or the bottom of the volcano has broken apart.